ePortfolio Career Workshop

Author: Samantha Lessen

The ePortfolio Career Workshop is a chance to engage with your ePortfolio in a new way. Learn how to create a portfolio that will attract future employers, show off your talents and skills in a way that goes beyond a simple résumé, and create an online presence that gives you an edge in the digital age. Whether you’re just starting your career search or you’ve already landed a great internship, this workshop will help you develop your ePortfolio into a tool that you will be able to utilize for networking, applications, and personal and professional development. Join the Notre Dame ePortfolio Engagement Program (nDEEP) and the Career Center from 7-9 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 2013, in DeBartolo 102 to discover how your ePortfolio can help you develop your future.