Math in Sports

Math in Sports

Mis Composite No Overlap

The “Math in Sports” badge acknowledges those lifelong learners and professionals who have engaged and completed the course learning goals by drawing conclusions from mathematical analysis using inductive reasoning, evaluating data using principles of probability, assessing risk and develop strategies that drive event outcomes, and modeling  physical processess in order to predict (or change) outcomes. To earn this badge, students must: log into the Notre Dame Massive Open Online Course "Math in Sports", access all course content before the course ends, and score at least a 70% overall on all course assessments. 

Math in Sports: Coach

The “Coach” badge acknowledges MOOC participants that have engaged in and completed the course, and helped others achieve these goals as well. In order to earn this badge, students must earn the “Math in Sports” badge and be in the top 20 of discussion board posters.

Math in Sports: All Star

The "All Star" badge acknowledges those MOOC participants that achieved above and beyond expectations. In order to earn this badge, students must earn the "Math in Sports" Badge and score at least 90% on all course assessments.

Reviewer: Subject matter-experts with support from members of the MOOC administration team.

Eligibility: All students who satisfy the judging criteria will be recognized with a badge.


To view "Math in Sports" badge earners, visit the Notre Dame Credly page.